Model For Higher Education
Education is not an exclusive concept reserved for Europe.
The modern and recognisable educational structure that we have today was imported. One of the oldest universities in the world that standardised general admissions is the Al-Qarawiyyan University in Morocco. It was founded by a Muslim woman, Fatima El-Fihriya, in 859. Currently still operating and holds the record for being the world’s oldest working university. Primarily used to teach Islamic studies and then expanded it’s curriculum to include: "mathematics, medicine, astronomy, geography, philosophy, grammar, etc."
Yes, higher education existed in Europe. The distinction here is a matter of accessibility and wealth. The Al-Qarawiyyan University did not have tuition fees. Education in Europe had been reserved for the wealthy members of society. A segregation of knowledge, by determining access based upon social status.
The graduation ceremony itself is a practice that was developed by Islamic intellectual traditions to celebrate philosophical and academic achievements.
Quote from Jack Goody in his book titled "Islam in Europe."
"The Arabic clothing (Thawb) has remained the purest & clearest sign of scholastic integrity up to this day of ours, especially during scholastic events such as debating and graduations."
The education system today (in the western world) has morphed into something different. Seeking and understanding knowledge is secondary. The primary function is "display and status." Even the practical elements of education are missing. Always prioritise education over qualifications.