"Small minds, small thoughts"
Racist attitudes thrive inside an echo chamber. All that negativity grows due to reinforced ignorance. Those poisoned with racism are confused by their own lack of understanding. A mental limitation that fails to comprehend the diversity of humanity. Languages, religions, cultures, cuisines, literature, art, etc.
The world is spacious and restricted at the same time. Spacious regarding our civilisations and societies being spread far and wide. Restricted in the sense of how attitudes and first impressions determine our outlooks. The first encounter Europeans had with most of the world, created the current cycle of destruction we are witnessing.
Colonialism always leaves chaos behind. (Apartheid, partition, loss of language and culture, racial hierarchies, dispossession of native land and wealth, economic inequity, environmental degradation, long-term social stagnation, etc.)
Colonialism is the root of nationalism and supremacy ideologies. The idea of being entitled to take from the rest of the world without consequences. There is no superior ethnicity or nationality. Neither define or shape character.
Every society creates opinions based upon societal norms and societal tolerance. Education always determines the limits and quality of opinions. Informed or uninformed.
All extreme ideological beliefs lack a basic level of critical thinking. Why? Because there is no such thing as "racial supremacy." The human race is one species.